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Full Service

All Traditional design packages start with a free discovery call to see if I’m the right designer for you! The discovery call will include a discussion about what you envision for the space, budget, and the scope of services you will need. We will iron out all detail to avoid any surprises. 


You chose to collaborate with Black Line Studios. Yay! Next step is the design consultation.  At this step we’ll present you with a detailed design proposal outlining the scope of the project. We will also discuss the billing schedule, our contract and any other questions you may have.  Once the contract is signed we are ready to begin!


Is this for you?

Ideal for the client who is looking to remodel, build a new home, or needs help decorating, and is considering a collaboration with Black Line Studios. You can choose from 1 of 2 packages that best fits your needs.


Turn Key Projects

Building a new home or doing an extensive remodel? We’ve got you covered. 



Selling a home? Own an Airbnb? Recently move into a new home? We can help with all the little things to make your space look amazing.

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